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The Power of Our Fathers

From the beginning of our life to the very end, there is a father, who loves us, protects us, and reminds us of who we are. They are our fathers, men who have dedicated their lives to the service of their own. The love of a father is not measured nor is it questioned. A father serves for a very long time; but a time of joy it is.

The title, “Father,” is one of the most important and special titles any man can receive in his lifetime. In our Catholic lives, we are given many opportunities to call a man father - in our home, church, and most importantly, in God, whom we believe, who is the Father Almighty. No matter our age, skin colour, ethnic background, we have one Father who created our world, and us, so that we may be with Him, a Father who sent us his only Son to die a brutal death for us. That is the true love a father must exhibit towards his children.

The love of a father is one of the most amazing gifts God gave to humanity. As God is love and we are made in his image we too can love as the Father does. Through love a father gains the right to discipline his children because he loves them. As a father loves his child, he will do anything for the child including planning for the long-term as well as for the short term. The main goal of a Father is to raise a child in a manner so that he or she loves - loves God, family, and everyone. This is the ultimate goal of any father.

My personal relationship with the people I call Father can be at times awkward, and at the same time fun. Of course, there are disagreements and unfortunately arguments. However, with that being said, a true relationship is never perfect, even the one we have with the Heavenly Father. But this is a true relationship. We are not God; therefore, we are not perfect. We as humans, and as children of God, must continuously remember that the things which make us imperfect lead us to the all-perfect, God. Relationships for humans are never truly easy, for in life nothing is truly easy. But let us not forget one thing: we are loved, loving creatures made from a loving God, and a loving Father. Even though the relationships between people and sometimes even the people we are to love can be stressful, that is the type of relationship that will last. For when we are bound together, love will always show. It is the love of a father that the world so desperately needs right now.

In closing, the relationship between the Fathers of our lives might not always be happy. Nevertheless, true joy came to us through excruciating pain on a Cross. Love came from that Cross, and it is the most powerful force in the world. A father who loves is a father who fears the Lord, God. A father who loves, is one who will witness his child grow into a beautiful flower. I love my father, because through the love he has, I can then grow into someone like him. Love is the foundation of any father, we must be like fathers because they are people who serve one another, who fear the Lord, and because they love. To all our fathers out there, thank you for all you do, thank you for love, encouragement, and for teaching us to be more like our Heavenly Father.

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