This is Living - Hillsong Y&F (Cover)
This is Living - Hillsong Young & Free (Cover) by Angel Daquis, Paul Pineda, & Justin Villanueva. Interested in serving through Youthink...
Green Thumbs and Growing Hearts
When my siblings and I were little, my Mom used to make us pull weeds with her in the summer. We have two long flower garden beds in our...
The Power of Our Fathers
From the beginning of our life to the very end, there is a father, who loves us, protects us, and reminds us of who we are. They are our...
5 Reasons Why Confirmation Prep Is Important
If you were told right now that there was a chest of endless riches underground and that you’d have to dig with some effort to get to it,...
Here In This Place - David Haas (Cover)
Here In This Place - David Haas (Cover) by John Eisma. John Eisma is the Liturgical Music Director at St. Gianna Beretta Molla Parish....
What A Beautiful Name - Hillsong Worship (Cover)
Bea Balagtas & JayJay Genido are both from St. Patrick's R.C. Church and actively serve in the CFC-Youth community. Do you want to become...